How to Use Vmet to Strengthen Your Mentoring Experience

How to Get Started with Vmet?

  1. Go to the Home Page
  2. Click on JOIN TODAY button [in the home page] if you’re a first-time user accessing the Vmet platform
  3. Fill in all the details required by the registration page regarding getting registered
  4. Once you fill in registration details, an administrator from the ICT side will grant you access to the web. Until access is granted you won’t be able to access the portfolios editing capabilities.
  5. Once you receive this one-time access to the Vmet, you log into the website you can use the LOGIN icon (no need to click on join today in subsequent site access and visits).
  6. Then the site will take you to the backend allowing you to access the selected portfolio types (JUPITER or VENUS)
  7. To start building your portfolios please click on POSTS and then click on ADD NEW
  8. Please note that each portfolio is divided into 5 separate sections as posts which means you need to create 5 posts for the portfolio design you picked (eg: Index_info, Index_1st_Year, Index_2nd_Year, Index_3rd_Year, Index_4th_Year). For detailed information please refer to the page creating demo videos on the Vmet
  9. Next, click on which Academic Year category you belong to
  10. Click on your Mentors name from the given list (numbers 8 and 10 steps are COMPULSORY)
  11. Now you can publish your page. Please click on PUBLISH at the top right corner of your screen on the Vmet site
  12. Once you have published pages, you can proceed to import your designed portfolio templates to your post through Elementor page editing platform and continue to update it. The step-by-step process is updated in demo videos.

How to Contact Your Mentors?

  1. Right now Vmet does not have a facility to allow you to contact Mentors through the site itself
  2. To contact your Mentors please send them emails during the Mandatory Mentoring Weeks and request individual appointments
  3. Please note that emails are the official form of communication with your Mentors
  4. But if your Mentor is flexible for you to reach out via text messages or WhatsApp then with the Mentors consent it is OK to contact them through these communication channels.

When to Meet Your Mentors?

  1. It is compulsory to meet with your Mentor every 3rd and 10th week of the semester and these weeks are considered as Mandatory Mentoring Weeeks (MMWs)
  2. Other than MMW if you have any academic-related issues or concerns you are welcome to request an appointment with your Mentor to meet with them

How to Share Your Portfolio Links With Your Mentors?

  1. Once you build your portfolio you’ll be able to share the link to your portfolio post pages via email with your Mentor

Vmet Help Desk

For individual academic-related matters please contact your respective Mentor

For any queries regarding the Academic Mentoring Programme please contact the Academic  Mentoring Coordinator

For any troubleshooting on the Vmet site please contact the helpdesk or ICT personnel