Join the Vmet Now!

  1. To get access to the VMET, you have to fill out the form shown here. 
  2.  Enter a unique username.
  3. Password should be at least 8 characters in length and should include at least one upper case letter, one number, and one special character.
  4. Once you have filled in the info, you need to agree with the privacy policy and terms of service by ticking the check box before the “Register” button.
  5. Finally, you can submit the information by clicking the “Register” button.
  6. Once you have submitted the information, you will be granted a basic level account which does not have any ability to do editing of the page. You need to wait till IT support validates your account and changes the permission to an author level. 
  7. When you get the Author’s permission, you can log in to the VMET platform and start creating your portfolio.