Connect – Achieve – Enjoy

Here at FLFN, we support our students by giving timely advice, reinforcing and offering constructive role modeling and above all, lending a hand of friendship.

VMet is an interactive, dynamic, and an entertaining virtual platform to connect you with your Mentors at the FLFN. Vmet will host your e-portfolios (Jupiter or Venus) where you and your Mentor can meet, make appointments or go through and discuss your academic journey in a safe and secure environment. Through VMet you can edit, complete and update your e-portfolios every day where your Mentor can go through and provide comments and give feedback for your e-portfolios before the Mandatory Mentoring Weeks commence.

Since VMet is a virtual platform even during a time when you and your Mentor are separated due to various reasons you can still get connected from anywhere in the world at any time.

So do not wait, get connected. Your Mentor is just a click away.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower our students to get the most out of their mentoring partnerships and make their academic journey a smooth transition to the world of work.